Financial planning
When you want different for yourself, you have to start planning different: Old keys don’t unlock new doors
Young or old, wealthy or saving, working or retired, people during all stages of life use structures to manage their financial plans.
So What?
As a person with financial goals and objectives you can use a planning structure as a way to buy a house, save for college, live a fulfilling retirement, leave a legacy or make a difference for charity. We view financial planning through a seven step process.
Understanding the Client’s Personal and Financial Circumstances
Identifying and Selecting Goals
Analyzing the Client’s Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Courses of Action
Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)
Monitoring Progress and Updating
Now What?
Meeting with a CFP professional to build your plan allows you to focus on your goals, address concerns and expectations, identify potential risks, and feel confident and educated about your financial future